- How much was raised from IDO
2. Starting trade price
3. Exchanges?
Pancakeswap (BSC), Uniswap (ETH), Quickswap (MATIC)
4. How much in the LP?
600k across each blockchain = 1.8m total
5. Will the LP be locked?
To be locked until 1/2027
Binance Smart Chain, Ethereum, Polygon
6. Starting market cap?
$0.005 X 10 billion = 50 million
7. Do we have to claim PayBolt manually or we will automatically receive them in our wallet?
Claimed manually, released over 90 days.
Claim at: TBA
8. What is the slippage to buy and sell?
0% Buy 10% Sell
9. Will $PAY be the same price across all 3 blockchains
Yes! once PayBolt’s smart contract is upgraded with bridging capabilities; ETA end of Feb 2022
10. When will I receive 5% bonus as a BNBPAY Holder participating in the IDO?
We will release bonus soon!